Sunday, January 29, 2012

Signs That You Might Be a God

Here are some warning signs that you may be a living god:

* Losing track of time.
* A strong reluctance to show up uninvited.
* People frequently asking you for help.
* Looking really good for your age.
* Being mostly unaffected by cold and flu season.
* Often receiving gifts from strangers.
* Huge ego.
* Being the subject of outlandish rumors and speculation.
* Being spoken about positively behind your back.
* A generally flighty and mercurial lifestyle.
* A tendency to disappear for long periods, during which many people think you are dead.
* Vague childhood memories, in which the gaps are filled in by hearsay.
* A fascination with obscure knowledge, particularly in the areas of history, anthropology, the occult, and especially religions.
* Unwillingness to submit to authority.
* A tendency to exist noncorporeally for indefinite periods of time, while simultaneously controlling the forces of nature by will alone.

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