Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Seven Reasons a Joke Doesn't Age Well

The Seven Reasons a Joke "Doesn't Age Well":

    1.  It references current events that are no longer current.

        "Boy, that Dan Quayle sure spells words wrong!"

    2. It's a joke that has been done way too many times.

        "Hey, did you ever notice that the food on airplanes isn't very good?"

    3. It relies on a worldview that is no longer relevant.

        "I saw a guy with one of those cellular phone things.  He must be a millionaire!"

    4. It uses a running gag that is no longer running.

        "So then I said, 'Where's the beef?'"

    5. It shows insensitivity to current social issues.

        "Man, school was so tough, I should have brought a gun!"

    6. The joke is fine, but the comedian connected to it is discredited.

        "Ladies and gentlemen, coming to the stage, please welcome Bill Cosby!"

    7. The translation from ancient Sumerian cuneiform stone tablets may be imprecise.

        "A dog walks into a bar and says, 'Shall I open this one?'"

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