Saturday, June 8, 2013

Did You Ever Notice On Star Trek...

Did you ever notice on Star Trek:

* The universal translator, which instantly makes every language sound like English, has no effect on French or Klingon?

* On the original series, when the transporter would malfunction, it never occurred to anyone to just use the shuttlecraft?

* In every crowd scene in the movies, there is EXACTLY ONE blue person?

* Data only stops using contractions when talking about how he's incapable of using contractions?

* Even though the holodeck can create clothing, the crew feels the need to change into costume before entering?

* No one outside the series "Enterprise" ever mentions the first Enterprise?

* Almost all of the dialog on Voyager is just saying the names of different subatomic particles?

* Not only do the red-shirts die right away, but they don't even look all that surprised?

* Even though Vulcans are super technologically advanced and purely logical and scientific, the only places we ever visit are rocky canyons and mystic temples where everyone looks pissed off?

* Even though the Borg have a huge fleet of ships that could cross the galaxy in seconds, they always only send one ship at a time, and if it's destroyed, they just give up for a few years?

* No one ever brings up the Prime Directive unless it's terribly inconvenient, and will probably be ignored anyway?

* Even though money is used all the time in the future, everyone still feels the need to point out how they don't use money in the future?

* Starfleet history classes don't teach anything about the late 20th or early 21st centuries?

* No matter how many times the crew members are promoted, they always sit in the same positions doing the same jobs?

* The events from "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" might as well have never happened?

* Even though everyone knows how to travel back in time by slingshotting around the sun, people hardly use it?

* All the ships sent from Earth are called "Federation" ships, but all the ships sent from Vulcan are called "Vulcan" ships?

* The date of the Eugenics War keeps getting pushed further into the future?

* Nine out of ten times that an Enterprise gets blown up, there's a time warp in effect which will prevent it from having happened?

* Everyone in Starfleet who ISN'T a member of the Enterprise bridge crew is completely incompetent?

* The Enterprise is the only ship in the area... EVEN WHEN IT'S IN ORBIT AROUND EARTH!

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