Monday, May 27, 2024

Real Life is Not a Movie, and You are Not the Protagonist!


I think we tend to underestimate the significance of the problem of people who see themselves as the "protagonists" of some grand narrative, and not a very well written one at that.

Certain phrases that I consider a red flag: "I'm on the right side of history," and "Someday, they're going to make a movie about my life" (with the optional "and this is going to be a scene in it").

Also a minor red flag, people who overestimate the reach of their own circles. For example: a blog ring with about a hundred or so followers and maybe ten or fifteen regular commenters. Yet a person in this community is surprised when a stranger hasn't heard of them.

There's also the obvious overlap with the sensationalist ratings-driven mainstream media and click-driven social media which resort to histrionic exaggerations of the significance of events and individuals, and fixate on particular stories which can be molded into narratives. Think of election news using phrases like, "the most important election of our time," and "a struggle for the soul of the nation." Also, be wary of too-cool intro graphics and catch phrases, or impressive-sounding nicknames given to minor events.


I cannot stress this enough. It's fascinating to me just how easily people will abandon the reality shown to them by direct observation in favor of a social narrative presented to them by the media, and how often people will change their natural behavior to fit into a character role.

From the would-be vigilante who carries a gun he barely knows how to use, expecting to take down an as-seen-in-movies street gang, to the self-important incel who glimpses a semi-attractive woman from across a room, and expects her to fall in love with him because he's the last "nice guy" on earth, to the socio-political activist who gives glib speeches about revolution for cheap applause, to the conspiracy theorist who is personally going to take down the evil lizard people, to the rude but completely talentless stand-up comedian who is convinced that his fart and dick jokes are "too edgy" for the prudish audience, and he'll one day be remembered as a ground-breaking genius. They're ALL just imitating shit they've seen in movies!

Another thought: All those times when people just take for granted things they've seen in media, which contradict reality. There are the obvious things, like cars exploding, which I think most of us are well-aware are unrealistic. But then there are some things like men only wanting no-strings sex, while women want long-term commitment. It's clearly evident that most people, regardless of gender, are basically figuring out what they want as they go along. Or the cynic who believes that people in general are evil, despite having met very few villains.

I have no conclusion to this. Just that we all need to be aware of the fact that many people are acting out a story, rather than living in reality, and the effects of this can vary from mildly annoying to extremely dangerous.